Progressive Insurance Review

Progressive Insurance Review: Everything You Need To Know

This is Progressive Insurance Review. Progressive is a well known insurance company in the United States. This company is the third largest auto insurance company in US. They even offer a wide range of coverage with a lot of discounts.

First things first, the Progressive insurance is one of the best options for drivers. Because it offers a wide range of services, coverage options and even discounts. This is only the basics of Progressive. Now, let’s dive deeper into how it performs, including its premiums. Customer service and claims process.

If you’re looking for car insurance, the one most important factor to consider is cost. Progressive Insurance is one of the cheapest major insurance companies. In addition, Progressive offers a lot of discounts. Meaning customers are given several ways to save on their policy.

Progressive has a great customer service record. It’s based on the information from industry watchdogs, like “Better Business Bureau”. This is an indication that customers really have a good experience on filing a claim or finalizing their policy.

Regarding insurance claims. Progressive makes the claims process simple compared to their competitors. This is actually based on several aspects of a claim process. It includes options for filing a claim, claims support availability. Even the ease of managing an ongoing claim.

Lastly, customers who are looking for other types of insurance in addition to their current policy can benefit from going with Progressive. Which offers several other coverage options, including home and life insurance.

Let’s Dive Deep into this Progressive Insurance Review by checking their different products

Vehicle Insurance

Progressive Vehicle Insurance consists of 12 Insurance products that are related to your vehicle.

Examples: Car Insurance, Boat Insurance, Mechanical Breakdown, Segway Insurance, etc.

Property and Protection

Progressive Property Insurance & Protection consists of 7 insurance products for the protection of your property.

Examples: Condo Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Home Warranty, Renters Insurance, etc.

Personal and Services

10 insurance products for you and your personal protection.

Examples: Dental Insurance, Identity Theft Insurance, Life Insurance, Umbrella Insurance, etc.


5 insurance products for your business.

Examples: Commercial auto insurance, Business owners policy, Workers’ Compensation insurance, General and Professional liability insurance.

Financial Services

3 insurance products for the protection of your finances.

Examples: Car shopping service, Online banking and Personal Loans

You can also check Progressive Insurance Site if you are interested in their products.

Progressive Insurance Discounts

Now, let’s dive into some of progressive insurance discounts. Hopefully you applied some of these in your policy. And if not, you’ll learn them here.

  1. The multi-policy discount

If you didn’t have this kind of discount with progressive, then you’re missing out. Here’s a little advice to people who are living in a state that charges a large amount of premium. Let’s say you’re paying $200 or more per month, you should start looking for a renters policy. Or even home insurance. Because that alone can save you up to 20%. Which could cost you less than the actual renters policy.

  1.  A multi-car discount

This type of discount is a little bit uncontrollable. It’s all about taking some risks and combining your policies. Actually, this discount is fairly good, especially if you have 2 or more vehicles. Take note if the other person has a bad driving record, you should think about it twice.

  1. Continuous Insurance 

This discount is about how long you had insurance with a single policy. It doesn’t matter if it’s from another company. Progressive will give you credit for being loyal. A minimum of 6 months then they’re gonna credit that. So, let’s say you hit a 60 months period. Then you will be given the best discount with the continuous discount.

  1. The Snapshot 

It’s a well known discount. Actually, Progressive is the one of the first companies to do the snapshot. Snapshot is a telematic system that rates you based on how fast you drive. And how quickly you break. If you did all of that stuff then they’ll give you a large discount. The discount can go from 15% up to 20% discount. Take note that it is based on the state that you live in. It’s actually a good thing.

Discounts if you have a teen child

  1. Youthful driver

This discount is about adding a teen driver into your policy. Well, yes it’s expensive, it’s ridiculously high for having a teen in general. But progressive actually gives a discount for your teen.

  1. Good student discount

Good student discount is actually connected to a youthful driver discount. For example, if you have a teen daughter, they’ll give you a discount for having a teen. Progressive will also give them a discount if they have a grade of “B” on average or better. So, it means good grades equals a discount. Remember, they have to be typically 24 years or younger. You have to show their latest grade report as proof for the said discount.

  1. Distant Student / Away at school

The longer your child is away, let’s say they’re in college. They’re not living with you and you keep the car at your house. Let’s say the school is 100 miles away, you’ll typically get a lower rate because the risk is lowered. You can add this discount with the good student discount. 

Progressive Insurance Review: Other Discounts

  1. Homeowner

Homeowner discount depends on the state that you’re in. But most states allow homeowner’s discounts. So, let’s say you own a house, you don’t have to do the multi-policy. But take note you can have an additional discount. If you are a homeowner and you have a multi-home discount or multi-product.  

  1. Full Pay

Paying the bill in full can lead to a discount. Here’s a trick on progressive. Most people seek a 12-month policy. But sometimes there’s a change of mind and instead do a six month policy. If you are able to pay that in full, then they’ll give you a better discount for that option.

  1. Auto-pay

If you use automatic payments, they will also give you a discount. It can actually save you probably $50 or $60 a year.

  1. Paperless

This works if you want to get everything through email or through text. When you e-sign some papers, then they’re going to give you a discount for doing that.

  1. Updated Home

If you are planning to update your house. This discount will suit you well. Let’s say the roof has been replaced, they actually give a larger discount than most companies offer in these kinds of situations.

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